• Anna Yu. Rychenkova Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia
  • Ekaterina S. Klimenko Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia
  • Lyudmila N. Borodina Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia


The article deals with aspects of solving applied problems related to the capabilities of the automated COMPASS 3D system for geometric modeling of shipbuilding objects-vessel hull surfaces. The method for the ship's hull modeling based on flat curves, sections constructed on different offset planes is considered. A method is shown for improving the accuracy of the simulated frame surface of the ship's hull by introducing intermediate sections into the model frame. The concept of the modeling quality of the frame surface and the method of determining quantitative indicators for evaluating the frame surface quality are proposed. The practical implementation of the method of three-dimensional modeling of ship hulls is performed, and the comparative research results on the quality of the ship's surface modeling are presented.

Keywords: three-dimensional geometric modeling, Compass-3D CAD, frame surface, ship hull model, theoretical drawing of the ship, frame, waterline, Bezier curve, smoothness of the ship's outline, intermediate sections, modeling quality assessment


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Author Biographies

Anna Yu. Rychenkova, , Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department «Mechanics and Engineering Graphics», Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, 93 Lenin Ave., Novorossiysk, 353918, Russia, е-mail: 

Ekaterina S. Klimenko , Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department «Mechanics and Engineering Graphics»,
Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, 93 Lenin av., Novorossiysk, 353918, Russia, е-mail: 

Lyudmila N. Borodina , Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Novorossiysk, Russia

Ph.D. in Pedagogy Science, Associate Professor of the Department «Mechanics and Engineering Graphics»,
Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, 93 Lenin av., Novorossiysk, 353918, Russia, е-mail:

How to Cite
Rychenkova, A. Y., Klimenko, E. S., & Borodina, L. N. (2020). GEOMETRIC MODELING AND QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF THE HULL FRAME SURFACE IN COMPASS-3D CAD. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (62), 81-90.
Shipbuilding, ship repair, and ecological safety of the ship