Technology features of manufacturing samples made of composite materials and some of their tests results

  • Sergey V. Vlasov Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia
  • Konstantin E. Khmelnitsky Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia
  • Anatoly R. Ruban Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia
  • Vladimir P. Bulgakov Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia


Recently, there has been an upsurge in the development of additive technologies, and engineers and scientists are looking for new formulations with which to build relatively small parts and hull elements. For the construction of large objects entirely, for example, the hull of a small vessel, and even more so in mass production, it is necessary to maintain a balance of cost, quality, applicability of material, weight and strength characteristics. The most common material in small-scale shipbuilding of recent times is fibreglass based on polyester and epoxy resins. This material, with intensive use of the boat, has a service life of 15-20 years, and with proper care, this period can be extended. Cases made of glass-plastic have the necessary technical characteristics, both in the production of cases of complex geometry and in further operation. Attempts have already been made to create 3D printers in which polyester resins are used as a printing material, but the negative side of this equipment is that there is no reinforcement between the layers, which reduces the strength, and the layer thickness, which significantly increases the printing speed. Based on the experience gained, a material based on polyester resin was proposed, which has reinforcing fibres in its composition, thanks to which it has a pasty consistency, and retains its shape when applied and does not spread.

Keywords: additive technologies, 3D printer printing material, noise insulation, vibration isolation, polyester resin, glue, fiber


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Author Biographies

Sergey V. Vlasov , Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia

Postgraduate student of the Department of Shipbuilding and Energy Complexes of Marine Engineering; Astrakhan State Technical University; 414056, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva str., 16;

Konstantin E. Khmelnitsky , Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia

Candidate of Technical Sciences; Docent of the Department of Water Transport Operation and industrial fishing; Astrakhan State Technical University; 414056, Astrahan, 16 Tatishcheva str.; e-mail:

Anatoly R. Ruban , Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Shipbuilding and Energy Complexes of Marine Engineering; 414056, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva str., 16;

Vladimir P. Bulgakov , Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Shipbuilding and Energy Complexes of Marine Engineering; 414056, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva str., 16;

How to Cite
Vlasov, S. V., Khmelnitsky , K. E., Ruban, A. R., & Bulgakov, V. P. (2024). Technology features of manufacturing samples made of composite materials and some of their tests results. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (79), 15-22.
Shipbuilding, ship repair and ecological safety of the ship

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