Solving problems of volume scheduling for shipbuilding enterprises in conditions of limited resources
The shipbuilding industry development strategy for the period up to 2035 and beyond is aimed at creating a new competitive shipbuilding industry based on the development of scientific, technical and personnel potential, optimization of production capacities, their modernization and technical re-equipment [1]. The paper is devoted to solving problems of volume-calendar production planning for shipbuilding enterprises when coordinating the production capacity of the enterprise with the resource needs to fulfill obligations determined by the generated order portfolio. Shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises are typical representatives of enterprises with single and small-scale production and a long production cycle of the main products [2-4]. The problem is solved at the stage of forming a portfolio of orders, which is based on the limited volumes of resources available to the production system. It is required to determine the amount of missing resources by calendar periods that are necessary for the effective functioning of the production system. Non-stored resources such as labor resources, equipment operating time, are usually taken into account when solving the problems of volumetric or volume-scheduling planning. Such resources being unused in a certain planning cycle cannot be used in subsequent cycles. The procedure for finding missing volumes of resources is formulated as the problem of reducing an incompatible system of linear two-sided algebraic inequalities to a compatible one. To do this, it is proposed to “expand” the initial parameters of the system, taking into account the costs of expansion, so that the system becomes compatible. In the general case, formally, the problem under consideration is close to the problem of finding a Chebyshev point [5] for an incompatible system of linear algebraic equations, i.e. a point that is geometrically the least deviating from all hyperplanes formed by the system constraints. The paper proposes statements and solutions of volume-scheduling problems for the case when the structure of the problem constraints is modeled by a root-oriented weighted tree. This hierarchical structure is typical for shipbuilding enterprises [6].
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