Effectiveness of application of epoxy compound without powder filler to re-pair ship propellers damaged under cavitation


Epoxy compositions are wide-spread in repairing the ship propellers blades damaged under cavitation attack. Most of the epoxy repair compositions contain the metal powders as filler. But the manufacturers of such compositions do not substantiate the expediency of using the metal powder in epoxy compositions for repairing the blades with cavitation wear spots. And the issue of the influence of metal powder filler on the cavitation wear resistance of the epoxy composition remains open. Experiments on ultrasonic magnetostrictive rig allowed drawing the conclusion, that the epoxy compositions containing the metal powder filler — Devcon Bronze Putty and Devcon Titanium Putty, and also compound K-153 doped with bronze powder — wear out without incubation period, that is the material loss takes place from the very beginning of the cavitation attack. The boundaries between the metallic particles and the epoxy matrix are the spots of the cavitation damage onset, and the composition wears out by the way of metal particles removal and subsequent destruction of the formed voids edges. Testing the compound K-153 without metal powder filler showed that refusal to add the metallic powder filler into epoxy repair compounds leads to the change in kinetics of cavitation wear of epoxy compound: there the incubation period appears on the kinetic curve of wear, during the period the quality of the surface of epoxy does not deteriorate as the removal of wear particles from the epoxy surface is absent. The application of the epoxy compositions without metal powder filler to repair the cavitation wear zones on ship propellers blades can result in essential fuel saving. It is explained by that quality of the repair composition surface does not decrease significantly; hence the propeller efficiency does not decrease. The savings might amount to 80 to 250 rubles per 1kW of ship diesel power during each interval between dock repairs.

Keywords: ship propeller, blade, cavitation wear, efficiency, epoxy repair compound, bronze powder filler, incubation period, ship diesel, fuel consumption


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Author Biographies

Yuriy N. Tsvetkov , Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Doctor of engineering science, professor, head of ship repair subdepartment, Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education « Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping» (Admiral Makarov SUMIS), d. 5/7, ul. Dvinskaya, Saint-Petersburg, 198035

Yaroslav O. Fiaktistov , Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

senior lecturer of  ship repair subdepartment, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Admiral Makarov SUMIS, 5/7,. Dvinskaya str., Saint-Petersburg, 198035, Russia

Roman N. Larin , Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Associate Professor;  PhD in Engineering Science; Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping; 5/7 Dvinskaya Str., St. Petersburg, 198035, Russia

How to Cite
Tsvetkov , Y. N., Fiaktistov , Y. O., & Larin, R. N. (2024). Effectiveness of application of epoxy compound without powder filler to re-pair ship propellers damaged under cavitation. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (81), 56-69. https://doi.org/10.37890/jwt.vi81.532
Shipbuilding, ship repair and ecological safety of the ship