Life cycle analysis of innovation and investment projects at enterprises of the shipbuilding industry as a high-tech industry
To implement innovative investment projects of the life cycle in the shipbuilding industry as a high-tech industry, some organizational and technical measures are required. It will be important to determine the infrastructure, organization of management of innovative and investment shipbuilding projects, development of necessary mechanisms and methodology, formation of full mutual understanding between the manufacturer and the customer, development of an effective integrated information and logistics system.
The purpose: It is a life cycle analysis for the expansion of innovative activities for shipbuilding enterprises as a high-tech industry.
Novelty: the expansion of innovative investment projects in the shipbuilding industry is aimed at creating competitive high-tech shipbuilding products.
Result: the expansion of innovative investment projects in high-tech sectors of the economy will accelerate the stable and innovative development of the shipbuilding industry and ensure the achievement and maintenance of high competitiveness of domestic shipbuilding products on the world market.
The theoretical significance of the results the results obtained are that the analysis of the life cycle of innovative projects will stimulate the economic growth of enterprises in the shipbuilding industry and high-tech sectors of the domestic economy.
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