Analysis of indicators for the development of a drawing of the general arrangement of the industrial complex
The article shows the necessity and relevance of creating new ships for cruise routes along the rivers of the Russian Federation. The names of hydrofoils built are listed. It is shown what the designers are guided by when developing a drawing of the general location of the vessel. Some changes in the requirements and recommendations of regulatory documents for the design and construction of new generation vessels compared to ships built in the 60s are given. Some characteristics of ships and the area of hydrofoil vessels, such as Comet 120M, Meteor 120R, Valdai 45R, are presented. A comparative analysis of the indicators for calculating the areas and volumes of the premises of the new generation SEC and ships built in the 60s of the last century is given. Dependency graphs are constructed to estimate the volume of the engine room, the total volume of peaks, and the area of the conning tower of marine and river hydrofoils. Formulas are given for determining the volume of the engine room and the volumes of the forepeak and afterpeak at the initial stage of ship design. Conclusions are drawn about the need for recalculation of the need for recalculation of indicators for calculating the areas and volumes of hydrofoil vessels.
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