Article design

Materials provided by the author to the editorial office:

  1. A file with the text of the article (in Microsoft Word or RTF format) sent to the email address or submitted via the publication’s website (Make a submission button). The recommended article size is 0.5 - 1 printed sheets (8-16 pages).
  1. An expert opinion on the possibility of open publication of the materials of the article (can be sent as a PDF file to e-mail or sent in paper form to the address Nizhny Novgorod, Nesterov St., 5, room 325).

The basic requirements for the contents and design of the article:

  1. The material proposed for publication must be original, not previously published in other publications. A scientific article should contain the obvious element of new knowledge in comparison with the existing scientific literature on the chosen research theme. Preference is given to articles of a scientific, theoretical and analytical character.
  1. The index of the final assessment of the text originality in the Antiplagiat system must be not less than 80%, the borrowing indicator should be no more than 10%, the self-citation must be no more than 25%

When creating an article, it’s convenient to use the Article Template. The Template contains detailed information about the required design of the article, the text of the Template itself meets these requirements and can serve as an example of the design of the material.

The structure of the article should be strictly observed and include:

  1. UDC (from the classifier)
  2. Subject (article title in Russian)
  3. Information about the authors:
    1. Initials, Surname (in Russian), for example: I.I. Ivanov
    2. Name of the organization without abbreviations (do not indicate the legal form), place of publication, for example, Volga State University of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
    3. ORCID author identifier, for example,
  4. Annotation in Russian on average of 100-250 words of text (not less than 10 lines)
  5. Keywords, phrases in Russian
  6. The text of the article (should be structured)
    1. An introduction (statement of the research problem on a relevant theme, a clear description of the program (structure) of the article
    2. The main body of the article (original author's study)
    3. The conclusion (structured conclusions corresponding to the statement of the research tasks stated in the introduction)

All formulas must be typed through Microsoft Equation 3.0 or MathType; Drawings, illustrations, graphics are inserted into the text, not in tables.

The list of the literature usedis made out in accordance with State Standard 5.0.7 (it is an obligatory element of publication, links to all sources in the list of references are obligatory).  Sources in the list of references are numbered and arranged in the order of they are mentioned in the text.

While preparing the bibliography of a scientific article, authors should consider the following recommendations:

  1. at least 15 links should be mentioned;
  2. references to all sources of literature in the text are required;
  3. at least 50% of references to English-language sources are needed;
  4. references to Russian and English periodicals are preferable;
  5. not more than 20-25% of the total number of references to your own articles are required;
  6. The Subject ( the title of the article in English)
  7. the information about the authors in English: 
    1. The first name, the second name, the surname (in English), e.g. Ivan I. Ivanov
    2. the place of work (in English)
    3. ORCID
  8. Annotation in English
  9. Keywords in English
  10. References - a list of literature (bibliography) in transliteration (transliteration is a letter-by-word transmission of a text written using the Russian alphabet by means of the Latin alphabet, a list of literature (bibliography) in other languages ​​should be given in the original language).
  11. The information about the authors in Russian and in English:
    1. The first name, the second name, the third name
    2. The position, the title, the academic degree, the department, the unit;
    3. The full and the abbreviated name of the organization where the work is performed, address;
    4. e-mail
  12. Coordinates for feedback (e-mail, phone);
  13. The section into which the article is submitted for consideration

In the article the following things must be considered:

  1. Font size 10, Times New Roman;
  2. Single line spacing;
  3. Margins: left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, upper - 2 cm, lower - 2 cm;
  4. Tables, diagrams, pictures width - max 13 cm.

The editors do not consider publishing the articles the design of which does not meet all the necessary requirements.