
In article the fact related to the significant increase in structure of the ice category fleet internal and mixed a river sea operation with non-traditional ship hulls forms is stated. With the CAE technologies use such vessels interaction nature with ice cakes and small ice cakes of different thickness and concentration in the ice channel is studied and analyzed. The main attention is paid to a research concerning the influence of different forms bulbous fore ends on change of the vessel ice resistance level. Qualitative features of such bulbous vessels contact with the water ice environment are noted. The statistical analysis concerning the obtained experimental data on the impact assessment related to constructive, dynamic and ice factors on ice propulsion ability of vessels with non-traditional forms is carried out. The quantitative forecast of such influence in the form of the multifactorial regression empirical equation is given.

Keywords: ice conditions, ice transport operations, vessel, nasal bulb, ice performances, ice resistance, ice propulsion ability, CAE-system, finite element modeling.


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Author Biography

Vasily A. Lobanov , Volga State University of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Professor of Ship Handling and Navigation Safety Department, Associate Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciencies, , Volga State University of Water Transport , e-mail:;

How to Cite
Lobanov, V. A. (2020). ICE PROPULSION ABILITY OF VESSELS WITH NONTRADITIONAL FORM. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (65), 143-156.
Operation of water transport, navigation and safety of navigation