Design finite element method based models of floating dry docks strength
The features of global strength modelling of floating dry docks using finite element method are considered. Comparative analysis of two- and three-dimensional models was performed considering the interaction of the floating dry dock and the ship. To solve the problem of reducing the complexity of creating and the size of the finite element model, it is proposed to use the elements of a volumetric orthotropic body to model the main transverse beams of the pontoon. Hydrostatic elastic base of floating dry dock is represented as spring elements. The model of the dock support device includes spring and gap elements. The vessel is considered in the equivalent beam model. Results were obtained on such effects as redistribution of buoyant force due to deformation of the dock, incomplete inclusion of the towers in the general longitudinal bending of the dock, the effect of ship stiffness not only on the longitudinal, but also on the transverse bending of the dock.
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