Сombined ships stability analysis at the stage of design study


. A method of stability analysis for combined ship (oil carrier/platform ship type) at the stage of design study is presented. It should be noted that not all of ship’s main seaworthiness and operational characteristics are the result of a simple addition of the characteristics of an oil carrier and a platform ship. Their mutual influence takes place, which should be taken into account when analysing the stability in the multivariant optimization problems of internal and external design of such ships. This leads to the requirement to adjust the known methods of stability analysis at the initial stages of ship design, which was the purpose of the present work and its originality.

Taking into account the multivariance of the task and the hull design type, the stability assessment will be carried out through the analysis of the metacentric height extreme value on the assumption that the requirements of Russian River Register for admissible heeling angle at static wind effect are met. In order to account for nonlinearity of static stability curve when inclining up to the angles of deck immersion into water and emergence of bilge, it is suggested to apply an approximate method of metacentric radius determination.

The proposed method of combined ship stability assessment is recommended to apply at the stage of justification and analysis of ship’s key elements as a limitation in the problems of mathematical modeling of optimization of such type of ships. The method allows to exclude from further consideration at the design study stage the possible options that do not meet the requirements of seaworthiness.

Keywords: combined ship, oil carrier/platform ship, provision of stability, metacentric height, optimization of principal ship dimensions


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Author Biographies

Ilya A. Gulyaev Gulyaev , Russian River Register, Moscow, Russia

Head of Hull Department, Federal Autonomous Institution Russian River Register, bld. 2, 15, Okruzhnoy proezd, Moscow, Russia, 105187

Evgeniy P. Ronnov , Volga State Unuversity of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department, Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Volga State University of Water Transport (VSUWT), 5, Nesterova street, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 603950

How to Cite
Gulyaev, I. A. G., & Ronnov, E. P. (2021). Сombined ships stability analysis at the stage of design study. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (66), 29-35. https://doi.org/10.37890/jwt.vi66.158
Shipbuilding, ship repair, and ecological safety of the ship