Modeling of heat propagation processes during thermal metal cutting, taking into account the main provisions of the theory of welding deformations and stresses

  • Anna N. Vintsiv Vintsiv
  • Evenly G. Burmistrov Volga State Unuversity of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


The article describes the features of applying the main provisions of the theory of welding deformations and stresses to the thermal cutting of metal. The above calculation formulas allow us to pre-evaluate the temperature deformations of the sheet edges during separation heat cutting, as well as the size and configuration of the temperature field, to take into account the thermal effect on the metal and determine the size of the zone of thermal influence. These equations are considered by the authors as a basis for the development of a method for calculating thermal deformations and stresses during thermal cutting of metal, taking into account the transverse and longitudinal distribution of temperature over the sheet section, the ambient temperature and interaction with it, the parameters of the geometry of the cut sheet and its stiffness, heat capacity, thermal conductivity and other temperature characteristics.

Keywords: heat transfer, heat flow, temperature dependence, boundary conditions, heat source, thermophysi-cal properties of metal, temperature gradient


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Author Biography

Evenly G. Burmistrov , Volga State Unuversity of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Department of Design and Technology of Ship Construction, Volga State University of Water Transport, 5 Nesterova str., Nizhny Novgorod, 603951, e-mail:

How to Cite
Vintsiv, A. N. V., & Burmistrov, E. G. (2021). Modeling of heat propagation processes during thermal metal cutting, taking into account the main provisions of the theory of welding deformations and stresses. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (67), 13-23.
Shipbuilding, ship repair, and ecological safety of the ship