Program and target tasks for the formation and logistics development of coastal infrastructure facilities in inland water transport
The article describes the program-target approach to the state management of the economy and transport complex of Russia, supplemented by the authors. The introduction describes the main programs for the development of branches of the national economy and justifies the relevance of the study. Further, in the section "methods", the tasks of logistics development of inland water transport infrastructure are set by implementing program-target forms of interaction in the implementation of national development goals. The results of the analysis of the draft strategy for the development of transport in Russia for the period up to 2035 are also presented, on the basis of which the authors propose projects for the strategic development of transport by inland waterways. The target indicators of the development of the water transport complex of Russia are proposed on the basis of the scheme of program-target forms of interaction for the implementation of national development goals. In the final part of the article, the results of the study are presented for further discussion, indicating the need for an integrated and systematic approach to the final formation of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035.
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