Concept and algorithm of justification of transport and logistics schemes for delivery of export-import dry cargo with participation of river transport of Russia
The article discusses the development of the transport of dry goods, including in containers, along the inland waterways of Russia. The authors presented the concept and algorithm of substantiating transport and logistics schemes for the delivery of export-import dry cargo with the participation of river transport, since it is here that justified and comprehensive state measures are needed to increase the role of this transport in cooperation with railway, road and sea modes of transport. Factors that negatively affect the functioning of river transport are described, topical transport and logistics schemes for the transport of dry cargo are proposed: through the Northern Sea Route or railway transport (Alternative - through Gibraltar and the Suez Canal); through the international transport corridor (ITC) «North-South»; the scheme of transportation of export-import dry cargo to the regions of Russia and vice versa "Western Europe - Russia." The conclusion contains a list of measures to develop further research.
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