Analysis of the development of the foreign exchange market in the Russian Federation
The article focuses on the financial foreign exchange market, the development and condition of which determines the financial well-being of most commercial enterprises of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the research is to give review of the Russian foreign exchange market’ development and situation. The main factors influencing the level of the exchange rate of foreign currencies expressed in national currency are considered.
The domestic and international foreign exchange market of Russia for the period 2016-2020 is analyzed. The dynamics of conversion operations, the structure of participants in the domestic foreign exchange market by type of currency. The results of trading on the foreign exchange market, futures and options as a currency instrument, the share of options and futures on the futures market of the Russian Federation, as well as the dynamics of the US dollar against the ruble and exchange trading indicators for the period from 2016 to 2020.
The conditions, results and prospects of the development of the financial foreign exchange market of the Russian Federation are discussed in this article
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