Determination of the ship's pitching parameters during an operational voyage


In this article, it is proposed to use a hardware and software complex created on the basis of microcontroller technology to record and visualize the parameters of the ship's pitching during an operational voyage. The ability to continuously record the parameters of the keel and side pitching of the vessel in various weather conditions and the changing loading of the vessel allows you to quickly monitor the stability parameters and improve the safety of navigation in difficult weather conditions of stormy navigation.

The track recorded in MS EXCEL with the pitching parameters and the current time allows you to compare the recording time with the effect of various hydrometeorological conditions, taking into account both wind and wave effects on the vessel, including from hydrometeorological objects located at a considerable distance from the current position of the vessel. These data make it possible to carry out a harmonic analysis of pitching, to obtain the frequency spectrum, phase-frequency characteristics, proper pitching period and amplitude-frequency characteristics of the vessel.

Keywords: keel and side pitching of the vessel, recording and visualization of the parameters of the pitching of the vessel in the operational voyage

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Author Biography

Viktor P. Umrikhin , Siberian State University of Water Transport, Novosibirsk, Russia

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics and Computer Science, Siberian State University of Water Transport, 630099, Novosibirsk, Shchetinkina str., 33, e-mail:

How to Cite
Umrikhin, V. P. (2022). Determination of the ship’s pitching parameters during an operational voyage. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (71), 188-198.
Operation of water transport, navigation and safety of navigation