Drilling rig type selection for exploratory drilling in the Arctic conditions using analytic hierarchy method


. One of the basic infrastructures in the economy of Russia forming its core budget is the fuel and energy complex. Oil and gas production on the Russian Arctic continental shelf demonstrates some development trends, i.e. various types of drilling rigs having differing parameters can be used for exploratory drilling in the Arctic conditions. Their brief description and rationale for the selection of the most efficient concept of the drilling rig for exploratory drilling in the Arctic conditions using analytic hierarchy method are the subjects of this article. To obtain the present results the calculation determining the selection criteria weight was carried out. Due to obtained results the existing alternatives were compared with further selection of the most efficient option for the specified conditions. Also, a new concept of combined submersible drilling rig for exploratory drilling in the Arctic conditions was presented.

Keywords: ice-resistant drilling unit, exploratory drilling, analytic hierarchy method, ice-resistance, mobility, extended depth range, innovativeness, alternatives, combined submersible drilling unit


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Author Biographies

Alexandra A. Khvalimova , CDB «Corall» JSC, Sevastopol, Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia

design-engineer of General Engineering and Naval Architecture Department 11, Ceneral Engineering Office 111, «Corall» JSC Central Design Bureau, 1, Repina st., Sevastopol; 299028; student Sevastopol State University, 33, Universitetskaya st., Sevastopol; 299028, Russia

Vadim A. Kramar , CDB «Corall» JSC, Sevastopol, Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia

Doctor in Engineering Science, professor Sevastopol State University, 33, Universitetskaya st., Sevastopol; 299028, Russia

Anna V. Rodkina , Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Assistant Professor of the Department of Innovative shipbuilding and shelf development technologies, Sevastopol State University, 33, Universitetskaya st., Sevastopol, 299053

Olga A. Ivanova , Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russia

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Assistant Professor of the Department of Ocean Technology and Shipbuilding, Sevastopol State University, 33, Universitetskaya st., Sevastopol, 299053

How to Cite
Khvalimova, A. A., Kramar, V. A., Rodkina, A. V., & Ivanova, O. A. (2023). Drilling rig type selection for exploratory drilling in the Arctic conditions using analytic hierarchy method. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (76), 61-74. https://doi.org/10.37890/jwt.vi76.335
Shipbuilding, ship repair, and ecological safety of the ship

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