Overview of the classification of mobile offshore drilling unit semi-submersible by generation

  • Sergei A. Kazmin State Marine Technical University, St.-Petersburg, Russia
  • Aleksey V. Lobanov PJSC Gazprom, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Sergei V. Verbitskiy State Marine Technical University, St.-Petersburg, Russia


The article describes the diversity of views of specialists in the shipbuilding and oil and gas industries, insurance brokers, analytical agencies, employees of specialized departments and classification societies, as well as drilling contractors and employees of operating companies on the classification of mobile offshore drilling unit semi-submersible, and is reduced to a unified systematization of these opinions on generations of technologies that depend not only on the depth of operation, drilling, loads on the hook and year of construction, but also from other important factors, such as: the presence of trolleys for drill pipes, an active crown block compensator (compensator for vertical movements of drill pipes), the number of personnel, the number of preventers and drilling pumps, the volume of fuel and technical oils on board. This takes into account the usual classification of installations based on their functionality, architectural and structural type, operating area and hydrometeorological conditions. In addition, the work carried out an integrated analysis of the global market of companies in the industry operating in the field of offshore drilling services. The authors of the article, based on the composition of the drilling fleet of the industry leader and the characteristics of ocean technology equipment, offer an up-to-date view of the classification by generations.

Keywords: mobile offshore drilling unit semi-submersible, ocean engineering, classification, ship, offshore drilling, classification society


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Author Biographies

Sergei A. Kazmin , State Marine Technical University, St.-Petersburg, Russia

Student of the Department of «Ocean Engineering and Marine Technologies» of the State Marine Technical University, Lotsmanskaya Street, 10, Saint-Petersburg, 190121, Russia, e-mail:  kazmin.energy@gmail.com

Aleksey V. Lobanov , PJSC Gazprom, Saint Petersburg, Russia

candidate of technical sciences, Head of the Department of Marine Activities and Operation of Marine Equipment Operation , PJSC Gazprom, Lakhtinsky Avenue, 2, 3, 1, Saint-Petersburg,
197229, Russia, e-mail: al.lobanov@adm.gazprom.ru

Sergei V. Verbitskiy , State Marine Technical University, St.-Petersburg, Russia

Head of the Department of «Ocean Engineering and Marine Technologies», of the State Marine Technical University, Lotsmanskaya Street, 10, Saint-Petersburg, 190121, Russia, e-mail: ser_verb@mail.ru

How to Cite
Kazmin, S. A., Lobanov, A. V., & Verbitskiy, S. V. (2023). Overview of the classification of mobile offshore drilling unit semi-submersible by generation. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (75), 51-65. https://doi.org/10.37890/jwt.vi75.371
Shipbuilding, ship repair, and ecological safety of the ship