Comparison of main engine tension indicators tow-pusher when working in towing and pushing modes

  • Viacheslav L. Konyukov Kerch State Marine Technological University, g Kerch, Russia


Maintaining the operability of vessels that have worked out a significant resource since their construction will allow you to get additional profit. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the operational parameters of the main engine of a pusher tug operating in the modes of pushing and towing barge trains. The studies were carried out in a computational and theoretical way. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the parameters of the main engine, which determine its mechanical and thermal tension. In accordance with this, the areas of permissible operating conditions for pushing and towing barge trains are predicted. The weighting of the screw characteristics of the towing mode in comparison with the pushing mode requires additional restrictions on the power and speed of the main engine. The comparison of criteria and parameters at the characteristic points of the diesel cycle for the considered modes is carried out. Justification is given for individual parameters of the diesel cycle, which can be used as determining when assigning restrictive characteristics for thermal tension.

Keywords: tow-pusher, diesel, operational parameters, load, screw characteristic, weighting coefficient, restrictive characteristic, thermal stress, mechanical stress, zone of permissible modes


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Author Biography

Viacheslav L. Konyukov , Kerch State Marine Technological University, g Kerch, Russia

Ph.D. (Engin.), Associate Professor at the department of ship power plants, Kerch State Maritime Technological University, 298309, Republic of Crime, Kerch, Ordzhonikidze str., 82, e-mail:

How to Cite
Konyukov, V. L. (2023). Comparison of main engine tension indicators tow-pusher when working in towing and pushing modes. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (75), 118-126.
Ship power equipment