Finishing bench tests for thermal neutralization of marine oily waters
The studies conducted on the ship's oily water thermal disposal test bench demonstrated, on the one hand, the suitability of the bench for research work, and on the other hand, revealed several unaccounted aspects in the design of the bench and its measuring system. Specifically, the nozzle was replaced to ensure finer atomization of the oily water into the flue. Additionally, it was previously established that lower pressure than originally designed was sufficient for proper atomization, necessitating the replacement of the control manometer and the electronic pressure sensor, followed by their calibration. To enable the calculation of the thermal energy characteristics of the thermal disposal process, a correlation between the pressure in the tank and the flow rate of the oily water through the nozzle was established. In a series of fine-tuning tests, data were collected on the temperature distribution along the length of the flue without and with the injection of both clean and oily water. The results indicate additional heat release when oily water is injected into the flue. The environmental characteristics of the thermal disposal process were monitored using a gas analyzer. In all the tests, the decrease of carbon monoxide concentration to almost zero was noted. Based on the results of the fine-tuning tests, it was concluded that the bench is ready for the following experiments: screening and interpolation.
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