Synthesis of a dynamic positioning algorithm for wheeled boats
The work analyzes the controllability indicators of a vessel with a wheeled propulsion-steering complex and an azimuth thruster in order to identify the possibility of developing high-precision control algorithms, such as the dynamic positioning task. The influence of the parameters of the wheel-propulsion steering complex and the azimuth thruster on the dynamics of the vessel is considered, and the areas of controllability of the vessel are identified for various propulsion parameters. The influence on the dynamics of the vessel of external wind influence, which has a great influence on the dynamics of the vessel due to its design features (shallow draft, flat bottom, large windage), has been studied. The areas of controllability of the vessel under conditions of external influence when changing wind parameters (force and direction) and parameters of propulsors with separate and joint use of propulsors are determined. An algorithm has been synthesized for dynamically holding a vessel at a given point under wind influence while maintaining a given hull position. The dynamic positioning algorithm consists of two parallel processes. The first is the return of the center of mass of the vessel, which has shifted under the influence of external influences, to a given point due to the wheeled propulsion and steering complex. The second is maintaining a given orientation of the ship's hull using an azimuth thruster. Computer simulation confirmed the high quality indicators of the proposed control algorithm.
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