Analysis of the information monitoring system for water transport performance indicators


The collection and monitoring of water transport industry indicators is provided by federal executive authorities in transport, in particular Rosmorrechflot. In order to study the current system for monitoring industry performance indicators, the article analyzes the structure of Rosmorrechflot and its subordinate organizations, as well as the areas of their work. Taking into account the multidirectional functionality of the considered system of subordinate organizations, the set of indicators of their work also differs. The article systematizes the structural list of directorates and departments of Rosmorrechflot. The Regulations on the Departments were analyzed, their tasks and functions were identified, and a list of functions in terms of information monitoring of water transport performance indicators was identified. Official regulatory documents were analyzed and it was revealed that the industry monitoring system is normatively approved only for inland water transport indicators. Based on the analysis, conclusions are drawn about the need to update the industry monitoring system, as well as proposals for its optimization by creating a single industry monitoring center.

Keywords: Water transport, monitoring, industry indicators, Rosmorrechflot, subordinate organizations


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Author Biographies

Olesya A. Kazmina , Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, St. Peterspurg, Russia

Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor of the Department Mathematical Modeling and Applied Computer Science, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, 5/7 Dvinskaya street, Saint-Petersburg, 198035, e-mail:

Sergei A. Kazmin , St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

undergraduate student of the State Marine Technical University, 10, Lotsmanskaya st., Sankt-Peterburg, 190121, e-mail:

Anna A. Kholopova , State budgetary institution of additional education House of creativity "Izmailovsky"

methodist of the State budgetary institution of additional education House of creativity «Izmailovsky», 26a, letter A, st. Egorova, Saint-Petersburg 190005

How to Cite
Kazmina, O. A., Kazmin, S. A., & Kholopova, A. A. (2024). Analysis of the information monitoring system for water transport performance indicators. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (81), 129-143.
Economics, logistics and transport management