Application of the simulation-graphic method for the computational modeling of the cross-section characteristics of foundations made of T-beams installed on keelsons with deformed walls
The object of the study is a composite beam made of an existing T-beam on a vessel - a keelson, with a web deformed within the standard values and an additional T-beam added to its free flange, which allows forming a foundation beam during the modernization of the vessel. The task is to obtain the geometric characteristics of the cross-section of such a beam. First, analytical expressions are given for a deformed T-beam with modeling of the wall in one case as a broken line, and in the other case as an undeformed beam with a height of the deformed and additional vertical element of the residual area compared to the original undeformed beam and a height equal to the height of the wall deformation. For both modeling options, it is convenient to obtain initial information on the beam wall deformation by fixing the maximum arrows of deviation from the normal position on both sides of the wall and the height of such deformation on the modernized vessel. Based on these expressions, analytical expressions are then obtained for the geometric parameters of the cross-section of the formed foundation beam. The values of the moments of resistance and inertia of the cross-sectional area of the formed beam are obtained, which allow further calculations of the bending strength and rigidity, as well as the frequencies of natural vibrations, which provide the possibility of assessing vibration. The extended T-beam is adopted as having both a solid and a perforated wall.
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