Information System Concept Implementing Single Design and Production Space Between Vessel Life Cycle Participants
The disadvantages in the enterprises interaction and the transition of documentation between the vessel (offshore object) life cycle stages within existing systems in electronic form has been analyzed. Based on this the authors developed the concept of an unified information system implementation algorithm in a general form. The investigation object is the data movement process, which includes: design documentation at the design stage, working design documentation at the development stage, technological processes at the stage of manufacturing components and building marine equipment samples, as well as operational documentation. The investigation subject is a system being developed that provides all the necessary functions for the data movement during the participants (enterprises) interaction at all life cycle stages. The investigation purpose is to develop a new unified information system with the exception of existing disadvantages in the implementation and use of analogues at Russian enterprises. This system will implement a unified design and production space between life cycle participants, using organizational and economic mechanisms, which will significantly reduce the project implementation time, carry out open monitoring of everything process for the designer, the construction plant and the customer himself, thanks to the integration of data from all product life cycle stages on a unified information platform. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the creation of such a system will eliminate the proliferation of data records copies, as is the case with a “paper” management organization. Simultaneous access of many users to the same data will simplify maintaining the data relevance. Unification of data collection and storage formats will allow the formation data suitable for automated processing using a specific algorithm. The presence of a unified database will reduce the time of information analysis. Automation of routine operations will reduce the labor costs of performers. Ways are proposed for the formation of organizational and economic mechanisms that contribute to the selected methods implementation effectiveness in the implementation of design and production activities.
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