• Elena G. Lebedeva Northern Arctic Federal University, Institute of Shipbuilding and marine Arctic Technology, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, Russia
  • Yulia Yu. Shvaneva Northern Arctic Federal University, Institute of Shipbuilding and marine Arctic Technology, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, Russia
  • Alexandr A. Volotskoi Northern Arctic Federal University, Higher school of Economics and management, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  • Anna A. Sompoltseva Northern Arctic Federal University, Institute of Shipbuilding and marine Arctic Technology, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, Russia


The ways of implementing the basic principles of «lean production» at certain stages of shipbuilding production and throughout the entire life cycle of shipbuilding products are considered. The article describes the main losses that occur at the production stage, as well as ways to improve shipbuilding production and directions for solving some problems of minimizing losses in relation to enterprises in the shipbuilding industry. The authors present an example of using CALS technologies in the process of production management, designing marine engineering facilities, communication between individual design organizations and the shipbuilding enterprise when creating complex projects; as well as ways to implement this task as the most promising in the world practice. The main purpose of using CALS in shipbuilding at all stages of the life cycle of a shipbuilding product is to create a unified information model, standardize the main methods for obtaining, storing and interpreting information, protect, certify and license the information used at all stages of the life cycle of shipbuilding products using computer-aided design systems. The article describes the main goals and directions of implementing CALS technologies as one of the stages of improving processes within the framework of the lean production concept. The ways of minimizing production losses in the development of planning and technological documentation and design and technological production preparation, production of working design documentation are considered. The purpose of creating a 3D ship model using volumetric scanning technology as a means of supporting the life cycle of marine equipment products at the stages of maintenance, repair and modernization is shown. The authors list the main ways to implement the assigned tasks at the shipbuilding enterprise, considering them from the point of view of implementing «lean production»; and the essential condition for its effective functioning is the joint use of CALS technologies at the enterprises of the shipbuilding industry, contractors and design organizations. The task of training and retraining specialists for the shipbuilding industry with appropriate professional competencies is outlined.

Keywords: shipbuilding, shipbuilding production, lean production, loss minimization, CALS technologies in shipbuilding, electronic product model, reengineering technologies, computer-aided design systems, shipbuilding production efficiency, 3D modeling, 3D scanning, training of specialists.


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Author Biographies

Lebedeva Lebedeva , Northern Arctic Federal University, Institute of Shipbuilding and marine Arctic Technology, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, Russia

candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of shipbuilding, Institute of Shipbuilding and Marine Arctic Technology, branch of the Northern Federal University in Severodvinsk, 6A, Kapitan Voronin st, Severodvinsk, 164500, Russia, e-mail:

Yuliya Shvaneva , Northern Arctic Federal University, Institute of Shipbuilding and marine Arctic Technology, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, Russia

candidate of technical Sciences, engineer-constructor, JSC «PO «Sevmash», 58, Arkhangelsk highway, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, 164500, Russia, e-mail:

Alexander Volotskoi , Northern Arctic Federal University, Higher school of Economics and management, Arkhangelsk, Russia

post-graduate student, head of the Department of guarantee and service of submarines of JSC «PO «Sevmash», 58, Arkhangelsk highway, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, 164500, Russia, e-mail:

Anna A. Sompoltseva , Northern Arctic Federal University, Institute of Shipbuilding and marine Arctic Technology, Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, Russia

postgraduate of NARFU, senior lecturer the branch of NARFU, Severodvinsk Institute of Shipbuilding and Maritime Arctic engineering, 6A, Kapitan Voronin st, Severodvinsk, 164500, Russia, e-mail:

How to Cite
Lebedeva, L., Shvaneva, Y., Volotskoi, A., & Sompoltseva, A. A. (2020). IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR THE SHIPBUILDING PRODUCTS LIFE CYCLE AS A STAGE OF CREATING «LEAN PRODUCTION». Russian Journal of Water Transport, (63), 68-76.
Shipbuilding, ship repair, and ecological safety of the ship