Publishing Ethics
In order to ensure the high quality of scientific publications, the editors, the editorial board members, authors, reviewers are required to comply with ethical standards, norms and rules. It helps to ensure the authors' intellectual property rights, to improve the publication quality and to eliminate the possibility of the copyright misuse in the interests of particular individuals.
The editorial board of the journal "Vestnik VSAWT" carries out its activities in accordance with the Provisions on the observance of publishing ethics, developed on the basis of the international standards:
- provisions adopted at the 2nd world conference on integrity of scientific studies (Singapore, July 22-24, 2010;;
- provisions developed by the Committee on publication ethics (The Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE;;
- norms of Chapter 70 "Copyright" of the Civil code of the Russian Federation
- The journal editorial policy is based on the respect of the authors’ personal rights and intellectual property rights.
- The editors of the journal guarantee an independent and honest review of all manuscripts submitted for publishing, without prejudice, based on the authors’ national or religious affiliation, social position, regardless of commercial interests.
- The principles of the editorial activity include: relevance, importance, clarity, reliability, validity of published research material.
- The editors of the journal
recognize the fact that the activities of the journal are noncommercial, without any profit motives.
- The editors of the journal ensure the confidentiality of the publications received from the authors and any other information until it is published.
- The editors guarantee a careful review of publications for plagiarism, image manipulation, duplicate or redundant publications.
- The editors of the journal have the opportunity to reject a manuscript containing plagiarism and invalid data.
- The editors of the journal have the right to require the article revision according to the comments of the reviewers, or if it does not comply with the standards of the journal.
- If factual, grammatical, stylistic and other errors are found, the editors are obliged to take all measures to correct them, the editors discuss all editors’ alterations in the manuscript with the author.
- The editorial board makes a decision on the acceptance or rejection of the publication based on the comments of the independent reviewers. The final editorial decision and the reasons for its adopting are reported to the authors.
- The editors of the journal are working on the invitation and inclusion of the highly qualified specialists in the editorial board who could actively contribute to the development of the journal. The editors are constantly improving the processes of reviewing, editing and evaluating of publications by experts.
- The authors submit an article for publication to the journal editorial board. It must be prepared in strict accordance with the requirements for the presentation of scientific articles.
- The authors are obliged to guarantee that the submitted article contains the results of original research, the article was not previously published anywhere and is not being considered by the editors of other journals.
- While preparing the article the authors are obliged to refer to the research papers they used correctly and accurately by indicating the original source in the bibliography of the article. The literal reproduction of their own works and their paraphrasing is unacceptable; they can be used only as a basis for new conclusions.
- The authors do not have the right to copy references to papers from other publications that they have not reviewed; citations and references to other works must be accurate and formalized in accordance with the requirements. Any improper borrowing is considered as plagiarism.
- The author presenting the manuscript to the editors guarantees that the bibliography includes only authors who have made a significant contribution to the work, and that authors who deserve the authorship are not excluded from the bibliography. It is inadmissible to indicate persons who did not participate in the research.
- The author representing the manuscript guarantees that the indicated co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and agree with its submission to the editorial board of the scientific journal for publication.
- The authors must comply with ethical standards when criticizing or commenting on third-party research.
- The authors should respect the work of the editorial board and reviewers and eliminate the shortcomings or explain them reasonably.
- The authors should indicate the sources of financial support for the project (grants, state programs, projects, etc.).
- The authors should immediately notify the editorial staff of the journal about significant errors and inaccuracies in the article at the review stage and after the publication of the article. § The authors must comply with copyright laws. Copyrighted materials (tables, numbers or large quotations) can only be reproduced with the permission of the copyright holders.
- The editorial board of the journal guarantees confidential, independent, fair and objective review of manuscripts of articles.
- The editorial board of the journal has the right to reject the manuscript without conducting an independent review in case it is considered to be of poor quality or not meeting the requirements of the journal. This decision is made honestly and impartially.
- The editorial board of the journal selects reviewers independent of materials considered for publication, having sufficient experience and having no conflict of interest.
- The expert evaluation of the manuscript provided by the reviewer promotes editorial decisions and also helps the author improve the manuscript. On the basis of the results of the review, the editorial board decides to accept the manuscript for publication, return it to the author for revision or reject the publication.
- The reviewer should provide his review in accordance with stipulated deadlines indicated by the editorial board of the journal. If it is not possible to consider the manuscript and prepare a review within these deadlines, the reviewer is obliged to notify the editorial board.
- The reviewer should conduct a peer review of the manuscript objectively. Personal criticism of the author by the reviewer is unacceptable. All findings of the reviewer should be strictly reasoned and provided with references to authoritative sources.
- Reviewers should indicate (if there are any) publications which influenced the results of the study, but were not cited by the author. The reviewer is obliged to draw the attention of the editorial board to the substantial similarity or coincidence between the manuscript under consideration and the previously published article which the reviewer is aware of.
- The reviewer considers the manuscript received for examination as a confidential document, which shouldn’t be submitted for consultation or discussion to the third parties (not authorized by the editorial board). Manuscripts obtained for the review are the intellectual property of authors and refer to highly confidential information.
- The reviewer should not to use the materials of the unpublished manuscript in his own research without the author 's written consent.
- If the reviewer raises the issue of the integrity of the data or the expediency of the publication of a research paper, the author is given the opportunity to answer the posed questions.
- The editorial board keeps the personal data of reviewers confidential.
In order to avoid cases of publication ethics violation, conflict of interests of all parties involved in the article publication should be excluded. Conflict of interest arises if the author, the reviewer, or the member of the editorial board has financial, scientific, or personal relationships that may affect their actions.
- Authors should disclose conflicts of interest that may affect the assessment and interpretation of the scientific paper, as well as the sources ofthe projectfinancial support (grants, state programs, projects, etc.), that must be stated in the papers.
- Thejournaleditorial board selects sufficiently experienced independent reviewers, having no conflict of interest.
- The reviewer has noright to usethe materials of the unpublished paper in his own research without a written consent of the author. The reviewer is obliged to refuse paper reviewing, in case he has conflict of interest due to competitive, joint or other relations with the author of the scientific paper or organization related to the paper.
All articles published in the journal are checked using the Anti-Plagiarism service for matches with other texts on the Internet. Cited data, including graphic materials, should be accompanied by links to sources with their inclusion in the list of references.