On the competitiveness of inland waterway transport


The most important direction in the development of the country's transport system is to ensure a balance between modes of transport. This is stated in the strategic documents for the development of both the transport complex of the Russian Federation as a whole, and individual program documents for the modes of transport. First of all, we are talking about the existing imbalances in the pace and scale of development of various modes of transport. The consequences of the imbalance of the country's transport system in inland waterway transport are especially noticeable. The urgency of solving this particular problem is indicated in the «Strategy for the development of inland water transport of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030». The analysis of the development of the transport complex in Russia in recent years indicates that the dynamics of the transportation of goods and passengers by inland water transport since 2014 can be characterized as stagnation. This state of inland waterway transport was largely facilitated by the presence of limiting areas on a single deep-water system, a low level of fleet renewal, outdated infrastructure and a number of other factors. The way out of this situation for inland waterway transport is seen in the search for ways to increase its competitiveness based on the development of multimodal transportation and its inclusion in logistics chains with rail and road transport, as evidenced by the experience of European countries.

Keywords: inland waterway transport, cargo transportation, transportation structure, fleet renewal, infrastructure, multimodal transportation, foreign experience


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Author Biographies

Valery I. Mineev , Volga State University of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Advisor to the rector, Volga State University of Water Transport, 5, Nesterov st, Nizhny Novgorod, 603951, Russia

Mikhail V. Ivanov Ivanov , Volga State Unuversity of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Ph.D. in Economic Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and management, Volga State University of Water Transport, 5, Nesterov st, Nizhny Novgorod, 603951, e-mail: ivanov@vsawt.com

Olga V. Pochekaeva , Volga State Unuversity of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Pochekaeva Olga V., Ph.D. in Economic Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Finance, Volga State University of Water Transport, 5, Nesterov st, Nizhny Novgorod, 603951, e-mail: pochekaeva@vsawt.com

Alexey V. Novikov , Volga State Unuversity of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Ph.D. in Technical Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and management, Volga State University of Water Transport, 5, Nesterov st, Nizhny Novgorod, 603951, e-mail: alex1959.nn@gmail.com

Albina M. Ozina , Volga State Unuversity of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Researcher, Volga State University of Water Transport, 5, Nesterov st, Nizhny Novgorod, 603951, al.ozina@mail.ru

How to Cite
Mineev, V. I., Ivanov, M. V. I., Pochekaeva, O. V., Novikov, A. V., & Ozina, A. M. (2021). On the competitiveness of inland waterway transport. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (67), 102-114. https://doi.org/10.37890/jwt.vi67.195
Economics, logistics and transport management

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