Typical solutions for the organization of the transport process and systems in inland waterway transport


The necessity of making standard decisions in the organization of transport processes and systems is substantiated. The use of them allows you to reduce the time for their development and avoid mistakes during implementation in the operational activities of shipping companies. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the progress of the task, since there is a certain time period during which changes in the production conditions of transport can occur. Situations, their dynamism in time and space, indicators of the organization of transport activities are subject to assessment. This is the relevance of this work. For its implementation within the framework of the shipping company, appropriate organizational-technical and organizational-economic measures of a general nature are recommended. In this regard, the specific, most important tasks are considered: 1) justification of schemes and methods of organizing transportation and fleet operations; 2) development of requirements for vessels for use in the main directions of cargo transportation; 3) justification of the rational scope of use of types of vessels and convoys in cargo transportation; 4) optimization of standard convoys and determination of their list in the main directions of cargo transportation; 5) optimization of the layout plan of vessels and convoys by work areas and directions of transportation, taking into account the distribution by navigation periods; 6) justification of the operating mode of engines and the movement of tugboats with a composition. To solve them, methodological tools have been developed, the basis of which are scientific approaches and principles, methods and models of mathematical programming, features of operational and economic justification for water transport. The results of its implementation are the proposed standard solutions in the field of organization of the transport process and systems in inland waterway transport, scientifically based proposals and recommendations for choosing a strategy for using the fleet in cargo transportation and its distribution by navigation periods.

Keywords: transport, inland waterway, transport process and systems, organization, solutions, typical


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Author Biographies

Viktor M. Buneev , Siberian State University of Water Transport, Novosibirsk, Russia

Doctor of Economics Science, Professor, Professor of the Department of Fleet Management, Siberian State University of Water Transport, 33, Shchetinkina st., Novosibirsk, 630099

Evgeny A. Grigoriev , Siberian State University of Water Transport, Novosibirsk, Russia

Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Siberian State University of Water Transport, 33, Shchetinkina st., Novosibirsk, 630099

Anna Yu. Gavrilova , Siberian State University of Water Transport, Novosibirsk, Russia

postgraduate student, Siberian State University of Water Transport, 33, Shchetinkina st., Novosibirsk, 630099

How to Cite
Buneev, V. M., Grigoriev, E. A., & Gavrilova, A. Y. (2022). Typical solutions for the organization of the transport process and systems in inland waterway transport. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (72), 156-166. https://doi.org/10.37890/jwt.vi72.286
Operation of water transport, navigation and safety of navigation