Prospects of inland water transport in the development of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation
The article discusses the issues of developing methodological foundations in the study of the possibility of involving newly developed areas in a single transport network of the country. The synergetic approach, the use of methods and algorithms of nonlinear dynamics allows us to study the functioning of transport systems in conditions of possible risks and losses, to find bifurcation values that determine the structural instability of dynamic transport systems. The authors identified the areas of gravity of oil and gas condensate fields, which were assigned to the base ports of service included in the system of the international transport corridor "Northern Sea Route". The transport infrastructure of each base port is considered, and it is revealed that the internal water transport plays an important role in their maintenance, without the participation of which the functioning of the considered areas of gravity will be difficult or practically impossible. Three schemes of operation of the transport fleet are proposed route and non-route.
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