Conversion of a military vessel into a civilian refrigerated vessel
River transport is one of the oldest in the Russian Federation. It is of particular importance for the northern and eastern regions, where the density of railways and highways is not high enough, or they do not exist at all. In these regions, the share of river transport in the total cargo turnover is about four percent. The use of river water transport for military purposes will never be stopped. Since requirements that are more stringent are imposed on military transport, the decommissioning of these vessels is faster than in commercial use. In most cases, the technical condition of the vessel is not critical, and it can be further operated. In view of the fact that recycling is a rather expensive process, ships are idle and are not used for their intended purpose. The way out of this situation can be the use of decommissioned military vessels for commercial purposes by converting them into a refrigerator in order to extend the operational life of the vessel, improve the technical and economic indicators of the vessel and make a profit. From the point of view of the methodological approach, the analysis of existing refrigerated containers was carried out, additional devices for converting electricity were given, the technological process of manufacturing the frame of the refrigerator installation was developed, and its strength calculation was carried out. The economic feasibility of converting the vessel into a refrigerator is shown.
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