Assessment of the impact of the construction of a bridge crossing (Nizhny Novgorod) on the channel processes and the stability of the navigation in the lower reaches of the Oka river
For the projected bridge over the river. Oka in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, an assessment was made of the impact of its construction on the stability of the channel and navigation. The performed mathematical modeling of the hydrodynamics of the river flow in the studied section of the lower reaches of the Oka made it possible to identify the features of the channel deformations of the river during the construction of bridge structures and the creation of navigable slots, to analyze them and develop recommendations to reduce the negative consequences of construction. They relate to the choice of preferred options for the sequence of construction stages and the best of the technological schemes for the construction of the structure considered in the project, recommendations on the time periods for the production of work, taking into account the level regime of the river and the assessment of their impact on the downstream hydraulic structures. The results of the work are intended for use in the design and construction of the facility.
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