Features of planning and evaluation of the work of small shipping vessels enterprises at the present stage


The article considers one of the possible approaches to planning and evaluating the fleet operation of small shipping enterprises at the present stage. The existing algorithms for mathematical modeling of fleet operations are universal and can be used for enterprises with a small number of vessels, but at the same time they are complex, costly and therefore inefficient, and therefore unclaimed. In this regard, the article state the problem of developing a system for operational planning and evaluation of the fleet of small shipping enterprises in the context of modern economics and trends in the use of information technology, defines the objectives of the development and implementation of the system, its configuration; reveals the purpose and methods of implementing the components of the system. The methods necessary for the development of the system and also to be developed are called. The importance of substantiating the effectiveness of informatization is emphasized.

Keywords: small shipping company, fleet operational planning and evaluation system, Gantt schedule, modern information technologies, automated workplace, informatization efficiency


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Author Biographies

Elena I. Vershinina , Volga State University of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

postgraduate of Transport Management Chair, Volga State University of Water Transport, 5, Nesterov st, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, e-mail: elena.vershinina.98@yandex.ru

Marina V. Nikulina , Volga State University of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management, Volga State University of Water Transport, 5, Nesterov st, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, e-mail: marina_platnik@rambler.ru

Juri I. Platov , Volga State University of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Dr. Sci. (Eng), professor of Transport Management Chair, Volga State University of Water Transport, 5, Nesterov st, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, e-mail: platov_ji@mail.ru

How to Cite
Vershinina, E. I., Nikulina, M. V., & Platov, J. I. (2024). Features of planning and evaluation of the work of small shipping vessels enterprises at the present stage. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (79), 201-208. https://doi.org/10.37890/jwt.vi79.482
Water transport operation, waterways, communications and hydrography

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