Innovative development of water transport enterprises as a branch of high-tech industry


The article is devoted to the innovative development of enterprises of high-tech products on the example of water transport.

         Water transport refers to high-tech products and in this regard, its production has a rather complex production logistics (intellectual, supply, organizational, financial, information, personnel, innovation, etc.) [2-3]. In this regard, the search for promising directions in the development of high-tech products becomes particularly relevant and important: a real opportunity to implement research and innovation and investment projects, the implementation of which will bring enterprises of the high-tech industry for the production of water transport to leading positions not only in the national economy, but also in the world [4-6]. This determines the importance of monitoring research projects as a vector for the development of innovative production at two levels: product (high-tech products) and technological (innovative technologies) [7].

           The innovative vector of development of enterprises of high-tech products allows the actual efficiency of high-tech production to be brought closer to full potential efficiency, other things being equal, production factors in a short time of the stage of research and scientific and technical development of the life cycle of products of shipbuilding products, which is given the main attention in the article [6-7].

          At the same time, an innovative approach, introducing products into industrial circulation, naturally provides conditions for further scientific and technical (innovative) development of both the products themselves and technologies (in other words, early introduction of products ensures its early withdrawal: the speed of the wheel of economic efficiency of production activities).

         When the actual efficiency of the limit of the potential efficiency of technological production is reached, in accordance with the laws of synergy, there is a leap, an innovative transition to a new (next, subsequent) level of potential efficiency of production of high-tech products, which naturally puts forward new requirements of an innovative nature to production. Otherwise, production due to the (law) moral aging of industrial products is doomed to bankruptcy due to the so-called factor of technological flexibility of production (TG). Which (TG), if organizationally taken into account in the economic activities of enterprises as forecasting, planning and management (design and innovation management), forms (economically ensures) the sustainable functioning and development of enterprises of high-tech products in modern conditions (the wheel of economic efficiency of production activities is the human factor): in the market model of the state transformation of a product (product) into a commodity and contracting.

Keywords: high-tech products, the vector of development of innovative production, innovations, innovation and investment project, approach, enterprise, strategy, technological flexibility, digitalization


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Author Biographies

Vladislav S. Chebotarev , JSC "Order of the Red Banner of Labor Scientific Research Institute of Automatic Equipment named after Academician V.S. Semenikhin"

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Scientist, JSC "Order of the Red Banner of Labor Scientific Research Institute of Automatic Equipment named after Academician V.S. Semenikhin", 117393, Moscow, ul. Trade Union, 78

Igor K. Kuzmichev , Volga State University of Water Transport, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector, Volga State University of Water Transport, Nesterova, 5, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russian Federation, e-mail:

How to Cite
Chebotarev, V. S., & Kuzmichev, I. K. (2024). Innovative development of water transport enterprises as a branch of high-tech industry. Russian Journal of Water Transport, (79), 190-200.
Economics, logistics and transport management