The article provides an analysis of the development of the container transport market at the international and domestic levels. It is noted that despite the absolute growth in the volume of container traffic in recent years its growth rate has been decreasing since 2005. An increase in traffic was noted in the main directions, including the Europe – Asia – Europe direction, the trans-Pacific and trans-Atlantic directions. The largest increase in container traffic over the period under review occurred in the Europe - Asia direction. In the Russian container shipping market, rail transportation is showing steady growth dynamics. Container shipping by water in 2017 amounted to only 4% of the total container shipping in Russia. Inland water transport amounted to 0.5%, which indicates their practical termination. Possible routes and the main factors restraining the development of container transportation by inland water transport are considered. The main problems that hinder the development of container traffic in general and in water transport in particular are identified. Possible solutions to the identified problems of the development of cargo transportation in containers with emphasis on the primary use of inland water transport are proposed.
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