Problems and methods of updating river vessels
The article is devoted to the actual problems of fleet renewal in the conditions of the existing economic model. A clear trend of decline of river transport vessels is stated. One of the main and obvious reasons is the disparity in the cost of new ships, borrowed funds, the level of freight rates, operating costs, and the lack of own funds even for large shipping companies to reproduce fixed assets in the required volume. The indicators of economic efficiency of new and old ships under different operating conditions are given. It is shown that the problem of updating the fleet as a whole, and especially in domestic cargo transportation, cannot be solved only by the current incentives for the purchase of new ships and the modernization of the age fleet and is a problem that requires a radical solution at the state level with the involvement of design and scientific specialists. research centers and institutes. In this regard, directions are proposed that provide for phased approaches to solving the problem of fleet renewal.
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